River flows and here comes the fall

Okay so, uuummm...... I really don't know how to say this guys. but I DO had fun yesterday with my London friends but then shit happens. I can't tell you exactly what happened but it shook me a little bit (okay I admit, A LOT!) I know this time will come but I don't know it'll be this hard. I mean, all those things you told me and stuffs. How could you forget it all?

I guess it's a one hell of a missunderstanding between me and you. Well, you can't blame me! I thought it's all somekind of bullshits you told me, why don't you SHOW me first and then let's see what happens. Why don't we give us some time to, I don't know, well you're the one who supposed to think about this kind of stuff right? Allright, why don't we just sit back, relax, and talk. Like the rest of the world do. You see, I wanna show you my world because I thought you, of other people, would understand it, because I thought we have the same eyes to see things other people can't see.

Well you didn't gave me time didn't you? Time to tell you, time to show you. And I didn't gave you either.
I guess I told you things you don't want to hear, and yet you told me things I want to hear.

Sorry, okay? Sorry for all the missunderstading, sorry for all the ups and downs mood, sorry for the NOs I told you. I liked you, to be honest, I really really do. But I didn't tell you when I have that opportunity, because you know what, it's cool to be your friend.

It's not anymore.

I guess you're the one who moves on first. I don't know when's my time will come, but I'll be waiting for it.


Oh and yeah I have to say this too: We might as well be strangers.

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